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02. Main Directions of the NHI's Programs in 2022

Innovating Educational Content to Foster Talented Public Officials Who Take the Lead in Future Changes

As part of the effort to help public officials come up with feasible policies with a broad perspective on future changes in the environment, the NHI plans to carry out a sweeping reorganization of its programs on policies to make them focused on problem solving. In addition, efforts will be made to improve public officials' digital capacities by launching new curriculum that teach how to utilize open data and that use the latest digital technologies such as the metaverse, AR, and VR. Position-specific leadership programs will be enhanced to help team leaders respond to changes in circumstances in a timely manner, which will allow them to lead their members by presenting new visions. In addition, we will also further strengthen the programs on public service values that can meet public expectations

Adopting Effective Training Methods in Light of Changes in Circumstances

Blended or hybrid learning methods will be flexibly applied by considering the content, targets, and characteristics of the training. Moreover, various efforts will be made to enable selfdirected learning. To this end, changes in the educational environment and learners' needs will be analyzed to produce learning content in such new forms as microlearning, shortform videos, and webtoons, so it can be used by all institutions. In addition, AI-based customized learning recommendation services and excellent public and private learning content will be provided.

Making Exchanges, Cooperation, and Global Trainings More Substantive as a Pace-setting Country in the International Community

Through efforts to link with the government's policy to promote the Korean Wave through public administration, training for public officials from our country's key partner countries will be expanded to provide customized curriculum, and the follow-up management of those who completed training, including support for applying what has been learned to their work on the ground, will be enhanced. In addition, the NHI will provide support to help enhance domestic public officials' global competence with a view to making it commensurate with our nation's standing as one of the G10 countries.

Strengthening Research to Help Improve Civil Service Competitiveness and the NHI's Functions as a HRD Hub

Through the HRD cooperation network between public and private training institutions, and the research council between the government, research institutes, and academia, the foundation for sharing excellent examples of education and the latest HRD trends will be solidified. In particular, by jointly conducting research into HRD issues and sharing the findings on a regular basis, the NHI will support each education and training institution's efforts to strengthen HRD capacities. We will also cooperate, for instance, by providing customized consulting.